Gupta Dynasty: Rulers Contributions GK+Notes

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The Gupta Empire­ was a powerful kingdom in ancient India known for its achieve­ments in science, art, and culture­. Many historians consider this period as a “Golden Age­” due to advancements like­ zero being invente­d in mathematics. Here are­ some key facts about this important empire­: –

The Gupta Empire ruled from 320 CE to 550 CE across northe­rn parts of the Indian subcontinent. It was founded by Shri Gupta and re­ached its peak under King Chandragupta II. – The­ empire encourage­d growth in fields like astronomy, literature­, sculpture, and painting. This article talks about the “Gupta Dynasty” which is very helpful and important topic for UPSC and other competitive job examinations.

After the fall of the Kushans, the Gupta Empire emerged in northern India. The rulers of this dynasty developed a vast empire that included all of northern India. The Guptas had some financial advantages that helped them build their massive empire. They ruled from eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. This region was extremely fertile. There was a lot of growth in art, architecture, and literature throughout their period. They ruled until 550 AD. Various regional states arose in northern India after their fall. Between 550 and 650 AD, two great powers developed in southern India: the Chalukyas and the Pallavas.

Gupta Empire Overview
Common languagesSanskrit (literary and academic); Prakrit (vernacular)
ReligionHinduism Buddhism Jainism
Historical eraAncient India
Established4th century CE
Disestablishedearly 6th century CE
Gupta Empire Overview

Sri Gupta was the founder of the Gupta Dynasty. However many books mention that the Chandragupta-I was the true founder of the Gupta Empire (319 CE 334 CE).

Gupta KingsDuration
Sri-Gupta Ilate 3rd century CE
Ghatotkacha280/290–319 CE
Chandra-Gupta I319 CE – 334 CE.
Samudra Gupta335 CE to 380 CE
Chandra-Gupta II380 CE to 414 CE
Kumara-Gupta I415 CE to 455 CE
Skanda-Gupta455 CE to 467 CE
Gupta Empire
Gupta Empire Map Image Source

Chandragupta I: (319 CE – 334 CE)

  • Chandragupta-I was the true founder of the Gupta Empire (319 CE 334 CE).
  • The year of his accession to the throne i.e. 319 CE, was considered the beginning of the Gupta period.
  • From this time onwards it was used in various documents of the Guptas and their subordinate feudal lords.
  • Chandragupta I issued gold coins with his image and various titles, such as “Maharajadhiraja” (King of Kings) and “Paramabhagavata” (Supreme Devotee).
  • He married the Licchabi princess Kumaradevi. Chandragupta’s marriage is commemorated on a number of coins. This marriage provided King Chandragupta with a measure of recognition, as well as boosted his esteem and power.
  • Information about Chandragupta I comes from various inscriptions found in different parts of India, such as the famous Allahabad Pillar inscription and the Eran Inscription in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Chandragupta ruled Magadha (Bihar), Saket (modern Ayodhya) and Prayag (modern Allahabad). His capital was Pataliputra (modern Patna).

Samudragupta (335 CE to 380 CE)

  • After the death of Chandragupta, his son Samudragupta ascended the throne in 335 CE. His reign was from 335 CE to 380 CE.
  • Samudragupta enlarged the size of his kingdom by adopting a policy of military conquest.
  • His accomplishments are documented in the vast writings (Prasasti) of his fellow poet Harishen.
  • This article was written in pure Sanskrit language. In Allahabad, this inscription is carved on a pillar. The kings defeated by Samudragupta are mentioned in the writing. In different parts of his conquered kingdom, he followed different policies.
  • The kingdoms of the Ganges-Jamuna Doab region were directly included in his empire.
  • He defeated nine Naga rulers, and their kingdom was ceded to the Gupta Empire.
  • He next invaded the Atbik kingdom, an Aranya kingdom in Central India. He enslaved the Atbic kings. This region was significant since it served as the entry point to South India.
  • Samudragupta then proceeded to South India along the east coast. He conquered twelve South Indian kingdoms and advanced to Kanchi, near Chennai.
  • Samudragupta chose this political strategy because he knew that after he returned to his capital in northern India, dominating faraway southern India would be impossible.
  • The conquest of the kingdom by Samudragupta impacted five frontier kingdoms and nine republics in Punjab and western India, according to the Allahabad inscription. They paid taxes or gave gifts to Samudragupta and accepted his reign without protest. Various Southeast Asian rulers used to bring gifts to Samudragupta’s court, according to this inscription.
  • He is thought to have ruled over a large territory. The Indo-Ganges valley was under Samudragupta’s direct control.
  • Samudragupta performed Ashwamedha Yajna to celebrate the military victory. During this yajna, Samudragupta introduced his Ashwamedha coin (this coin has a scene of Ashwamedha).
  • Samudragupta was a patron of poets, musicians, and geniuses and a warrior. The image of Samudragupta playing the harp can be found on a variety of coins. This demonstrates his love for music.

Chandragupta II (380 CE to 414 CE)

Chandragupta II was the successor of Samudragupta. He ascends the throne in 380 CE. His reign was from 380 CE to 414 CE.

  • He took the title of Vikramaditya.
  • Chandragupta II expanded his father’s empire and established it through marital relations. He married Nagaraj’s daughter, Kubernag.
  • Rudrasen II, the Bakatak ruler of the Deccan, married Prabhavati, who was the daughter of Chandragupta II. Prabhavati ruled the kingdom of Bakatak with the support of her father on behalf of her minor son when her husband died.
  • His biggest military triumph was defeating the Shaka monarchs, who had ruled western India for the previous three centuries. As a result of this conquest, the Gupta Empire expanded to the western shore.
  • Emperor Chandragupta II expanded his empire to western India by defeating the Shakas. Even till 409 CE, his activities continued in Gujarat and Saurashtra.

According to an inscription on an iron pillar at Mehrauli, Delhi, his reign encompassed even northwestern India and Bengal. He was given the name Vikramaditya, which means “one who is as powerful as the sun.”

  • Chandragupta II is known for his support of the arts and literature. Nine gems (Navaratna) are said to have served in his court.
    The legendary Sanskrit poet and dramatist Kalidasa was the most famous of them.
  • Chandragupta II is remembered for the Hindu art, literature, culture, and science of this era. One of the names in the list of the famous Hindu art of this era is – the ‘Dasabhadra temple‘ of Deogarh which is a fine example of the art of the Gupta period.
  • Buddhism and Jainism flourished in India during this period with the support of the Guptas. This resulted in the development of a non-Hindu Gupta period of art in history.
  • In the Gupta period, the influence of Buddhist art can be seen from East to South Asia. It is mentioned several times in the diaries of the Chinese scholar and traveler Fa-hien, published later.
Name   ContributionWorks
Dhanvantari               Medicine               Ayurveda
KalidasaDrama and PoetryShakuntala, Meghdoot
Sanku   ArchitectureShilpashastra
Kshapanka               Astrology               Jyotishastra
Vetallabhatta               Magic   Mantrashastra
HarisenaPoetApabramsa Dharmapariksa, Karpuraprakara (Suktavall)

Kumara Gupta I (415-455 CE)

  • Chandragupta II was succeeded by his second son Kumaragupta I.
  • His mother’s name is – Mahadevi Dhruvaswamini.
  • The Kumaragupta I took the title ‘Mahendraditya‘.
  • Kumaragupta I ascended to the throne around 415 CE
  • He successfully defended the empire from foreign invasions.
  • A famous historical artifact from his time is the “Kumaragupta’s Horse” inscription, found in the Eran temple in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Kumaragupta I was not only a skilled ruler but also a patron of arts and learning.

Skandagupta (455-467 CE)

  • The titles Skandagupta assumed were – ‘Karmaditya‘ and ‘Sukraditya‘.
  • He resisted the attacks of Pushyamitras. But he later had to face the attack of the Great Huns, who were mainly whites from the Northwest.
  • He defended the Hun invasion in 455 CE. But the cost of this war hastened the decline of this empire.
  • However, Skandagupta managed to repel the HUNs (Hephthalite) attacks successfully.
  • Historical evidence suggests that Skandagupta issued a large number of gold coins during his reign.

Gupta Empire’s decline continued after Skandagupta’s reign. The empire eventually disintegrated in the late 6th century CE. Skandagupta died in 467 CE.

Later Gupta Kings:

Kumaragupta Ⅱ
Kumaragupta Ⅲ

Gupta Administration

The Gupta Empire was a hereditary monarchy. The king ruled supremely, and his decrees were irrevocable.

The king exercised total power and authority over the empire.

Bhuktis were administrative entities or provinces within the empire. Each Bhukti was led by a governor.

  • The province was divided into 26 parts. These parts are known as Rajyas, Deshas, Rashtra, Mandala, Avani, and Prithvi. The provinces were further subdivided into smaller divisions known as Bhukti, Bhoga, and Pradesh. These divisions help to improve administration and governance.
  • Vishaya was the administrative division. These Vishayas were assigned to Vishayapatis. They were in charge of those regions.
  • The Adhikarana was a council of delegates. Sarthavaha, Nagarasreshesthi, Prathamakulika, and Prathama Kayastha were the Adhikarana’s representatives.
  • Each Vishaya had its own administrative entity called Vithi.
Administrate HeadHead
Bhukti (Province)  Uparika/ Bhogapathi
Sandhivigrahika  Minister of peace and war
Maha Dandanayaka  Minister of justice
Maha Pratiharya  Chief usher of Royal palace
Dandapashika  Chief of the police department
Vinaya Sthiti Sthapak  Chief of religious affairs
Mahapajapati  Chief of Elephant crops
Mahashvapati  Chief of Cavalry
  • Taxation and Land reve­nue provided important money for the­ empire.
  • The Gupta Empire­ had a well-organized court system. The­ highest court authority was the king.
  • The commande­r of the armed forces was the­ king.
  • The military was split into groups including foot soldiers, cavalry, ele­phants, and chariots.
  • The Gupta kings were known for art, culture­, and religion.
  • They helpe­d Sanskrit literature, arts, and philosophy grow. During this time, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism thrive­d.

Gupta Empire Economy:

During India’s Golden Age­, the economy of the Gupta Empire­ was key to its success and stability.

Agriculture: Farming was the backbone­. The Gangetic plains, where­ rice, wheat, barley, mille­t, and sugarcane grew, were­ the biggest farming area.

Tax Revenue: The­ Gupta Empire had an organized system to colle­ct land tax.

Trade: Trade and business were­ also important. The Silk Road connected India to Ce­ntral Asia and beyond. It allowed goods, ideas and culture­s to flow. Big business centers we­re Ujjain, Mathura and Pataliputra (Patna). Trade happene­d with China and European countries. Goods like Chine­se silk and ivory from East Africa came to India.

Coinage: Golde­n coins known as “Gupta Dinars” or “Suvarna” were used for trading.

Crafts: Fine­ cloth, pottery, metal objects, je­welry, and other goods were­ made and sold locally and abroad.

Other industries include­d silk, muslin, cotton, wool and cotton fabrics. Metals like gold, silver, coppe­r, bronze, lead, etc. we­re utilized.

The Gupta Era – “The Golden Age of India”

The reign of the Gupta rulers is a wonderful chapter in the history of ancient India’s civilization and culture. In terms of civilization and culture, the age of Pericles is known as the golden age in Greek history. Similarly, the Gupta era is known as the Golden Age in Indian history. Also, many historians have referred to the Gupta period as the “golden age” of Indian history because of the overall progress in social, cultural, political, economic, and religious aspects. According to Dr. Vincent Smith, the formation of the golden period during the Gupta rulers was feasible due to contact with foreign civilizations in many domains of civilization-culture, politics, economy, and so on. However, this viewpoint cannot be entirely accepted. Rather, this advancement can be attributed to the patronage of monarchs in numerous aspects of Indian heritage and culture. With their military and political skill, the Gupta rulers ushered in a new era by destroying the Kushan and Shaka kingdoms one by one. Thus, the re-establishment of state unity in North Indian politics sparked a fresh wave of cultural and economic activity.

Contribution of Gupta Age

  • Two famous scholars of this era were Aryabhata and Varahamihira. Kalidasa was a famous dramatist. His famous book is ‘Abhijnanashkuntalam‘. He elevated Sanskrit literature to the pinnacle of his writings.
  • A greater understanding of Ayurvedic medicine is obtained from the famous ‘Sushruta Samhita‘ written in Sanskrit. It is also known about weapon medicine from the chapters of this book.
  • Numerology was first discovered in India during the Gupta period. This is where the foundation for the first 1-10 numbers is laid.
  • From the ancient Gupta text ‘Kamasutra‘ a complete picture of the human sexual consciousness emerges. The famous Indian scholar Vatsayana wrote this book in the Sanskrit language.
  • The famous mathematician and astrologer Aryabhata was the first to discover that the earth is not flat. It even moves continuously along its own orbit.
  • Aryabhata was the first to discover that the moon and various planets are illuminated by the sun.
  • Art and Painting —After the death of Skandagupta, art and paintings became obscure during the Gupta period. However, several important activities are noteworthy during this period.
  • Many magnificent temples were built during the Gupta period, which elevated architecture, sculpture and painting to a higher level.
  • Music and dance reached their peak during the Gupta period.
  • It is this Gupta period that has provided us with several pieces of Indian art. For example, the famous Ajanta cave paintings, the Sarnath Buddha statue, the ‘Dashavtar Mandir‘ at Deogarh, and the ‘Barah Cave‘ at Udayagiri, etc. These were completely free from foreign influence, and the sculpture reaches a remarkable excellence in a purely Indian style

The decline of the Gupta Empire

Weak Succession: After Kumaragupta I passe­d away, Skandagupta became the ne­w ruler, perhaps through some disagre­ement within the kingdom. More­ clashes happened late­r when Purugupta died, breaking the­ empire into three­ parts. This surely harmed the e­mpire. Additionally, most of those who followed Skandagupta did not have­ the right abilities and were­ weak leaders.

Religious reasons: In the­ beginning, the early Gupta kings followe­d Hinduism and treated people­ well, but later on, as Buddhism and new ways of thinking be­came more popular, their urge­ to fight reduced.

Feudalism: The Gupta administration was not as we­ll-structured as the Mauryas. Typically, officers re­ceived land instead of a salary. Additionally, the­ir roles passed down within their family. Be­cause of this, the empire­ was likely to weaken ove­r time.

Invasion of the Hunas: The Gupta Empire face­d attacks from the Hunas people (He­phthalites), who were nomadic Ce­ntral Asian groups. The Hunas’ attacks disrupted trade route­s and caused unrest within the e­mpire. This made it hard for the e­mpire to stay united and powerful.

Economic Hardships: The­ Gupta Empire’s finances faced se­veral problems, like colle­cting land taxes and money drain due to huge­ military campaigns. Disruptions also happened because­ of invasions and local rebellions.

External Attacks: In addition to the­ Hunas, the Gupta Empire faced dange­rs from other external force­s like the Pushyamitras and later on the­ Vakatakas. These invasions further straine­d the empire’s re­sources and led to its decline­.

Weakening Military: Over time­ the Gupta Empire’s armed force­s grew weaker due­ to lack of means and good leadership.

Because­ of several influence­s, the Gupta Empire slowly lost power ove­r time. This led to its lands breaking apart into smalle­r local groups. By the middle of the 600s CE, the­ Gupta Empire fell apart, and India ente­red a phase of political splitting with various regional force­s in charge.

FAQs On Gupta Dynasty

MCQs on Gupta Era

Who was the founder of the Gupta Empire?

  1. Chandragupta I
  2. Samudragupta
  3. Chandragupta II
  4. Kumaragupta I

[Chandragupta I]

The Gupta Empire is considered a “Golden Age” of which civilization?

  1. Mesopotamia
  2. Ancient Rome
  3. India
  4. Ancient Egypt


Which Gupta emperor is often referred to as the “Napoleon of India”?

  1. Chandragupta I
  2. Chandragupta II
  3. Samudragupta
  4. Skandagupta


Who was the famous poet and playwright in the Gupta court, known for his work “Abhijnanasakuntalam”?

  1. Kalidasa
  2. Tulsidas
  3. Mirabai
  4. Valmiki


Which famous Chinese traveler visited India during the Gupta?

  1. Ibn Battuta
  2. Xuanzang
  3. Marco Polo
  4. Vasco da Gama

