List of Wars in the History of the World

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This article talks about “List of Wars in the History of the World” which is an important topic for UPSC prelims and other competitive govt job exams.

Chronicles of Conflict: A Comprehensive List of Wars

Documenting every battle­ throughout human history would be a huge project be­cause of how often war has happene­d. However, here­ are some important wars organized by time­ period. Sadly, much of the past involves pe­ople hurting each other in many fights ove­r many years. These battle­s happened for differe­nt causes.

In this list, all the important battles from the Battle of Marathon in 409 BC to the Kargil War in 1999 are included.

Our world history is full of wars and myths. No history can ever be created without war. Some of them are listed below.

The Definitive List of World Wars

War/Battle Period/Years Involved Countries
Battle of Marathon 409 BC Greek and Persian forces; Persian forces were defeated.
Battle of Salamis 408 BC Athenian fleet and Persian fleet in Bay of Salamis; Persian fleet defeated.
Battle of Platae 479 BC Sparta and Athens, also called the Peloponnese war, lasted for 30 years
Sparta and Athens, also called the Peloponnese War, lasted for 30 years 479 BC Greek and Persian fleets; Persian fleet defeated.
 Spartan War I 459 BC Sparta and Athens, also called the Peloponnese War, lasted for 30 years
 Spartan War II 431 BC Sparta and Athens; Spartans victorious.
 Battle of Arabia 331 BC Greek and Parisian forces; Greeks victorious.
 Hundred-Year War 1337-1485 France and England.
 Anglo-Spanish War 1588 Spanish and English fleets fought in the English Channel, defeat of the Spanish Armada
 Thirty-Years War 1618-1648 Started as religious-cum-political war between the Lutherans and Catholics in Germany and developed into an international war
 Civil war in England 1642-1649 In England: between Cavaliers (King Charles I supporters) and force of parliament led by Oliver Cromwell, King Charles I was executed.
 Seven-Year War 1756-1763Britain and France against Austria and Prussia; The British alliance won.
 Battle of the Nile 1805 British fleet defeated fleets of France and Spain. British fleets were commanded by Admiral Nelson, who was killed during the battle.
 Battle of Borodino 1812 France and Russia;
 First China War 1840China and Britain, Chinese yielded, also known as the first opium war. It was a trade war.
 Balkan War I 1912Turkey and Balkan countries ( Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece), Turkey defeated.
 Balkan War I1913Invasion of Serbia and Greece by Bulgaria – Bulgaria was defeated by combined forces of Serbia, Greece, Romania, and Montenegro who stripped Turkey of Most of its European territories
 World War I 1914-1918 Axis Power ( Germany, Italy, and Japan) against the Allies (Britain, USSR, USA, France and several other countries); Axis powers were defeated.
 World War II 1939-1345 Axis Power ( Germany, Italy, and Japan) against the Allies (Britain, USSR, USA, France, and several other countries); Axis powers were defeated.
Korean War1950-1953A proxy war between the United States and China following the division of Korea, resulting in a stalemate and a heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that remains to this day.
 Desert War 1942 Italian Army from Libya invaded Egypt in order to attack British forces.
 Isreal-Arab War 1967 Six Days War, the shortest war in History, Arab forces led by Egypt, Syria and Jordan were defeated.
 Pakistan-Bangladesh War 1971 Mukti Bahini forces aided by India against the Pakistani forces stationed in Bangladesh.
 Kargil War 1999 India defeated Pakistan forces at Kargil.