Pala Empire

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The Pala Dynasty is an early Medival Empire. Here are some important notes on Pala Empire.

Pala Empire Notes

The Pala Empire was a major Indian dynasty. This dynasty controlled a big part of the Indian subcontinent for around 400 years. Its reign was mostly during the 8th to the 12th centuries CE. The Pala Empire was centered in eastern India. It covers present-day Bangladesh and the eastern states of Bihar and West Bengal in India. Gopala I is said to have founded the empire in 750 AD. He was followed as leader by his son, Dharmapala. Information about the Pala Empire comes from inscriptions, coins, sculptures, buildings, literary works like the Ramacarita Of Abhinanda from the 9th century, the Ramacarit Manas by Sandhyakara Nandi from the 12th century, and the Subhasita Ratnakosha, a collection of Sanskrit writings edited by Vidyakara which was made in the later Pala period.

This article is about “the Pala Empire” which is an important topic from medieval India for UPSC and other competitive government job examinations.

Location: The Pala Empire­ was based in eastern India and cove­red areas that are now Banglade­sh and the eastern parts of Bihar and We­st Bengal.

Founder of Pala Empire: Gopala I is belie­ved to have started this e­mpire in 750 AD. He was succeeded by his son, Dharmapala.

Sources: Various inscriptions, coins, sculptures and architecture, Ramacarita Of Abhinanda (9th century), Ramacarit Manas by Sandhyakara Nandi (12th century), Subhasita Ratnakosha, an anthology of Sanskrit works edited by Vidyakara (composed in the late Pala period), etc.

DynastyThe Pala
FounderGopala in 750 CE
Period8th to 11th Century
ReligionMahayana Buddhism
languagesSanskrit, Pali,
RegionWest Bengal, Bihar, Bangladesh, Nepal
Notable rulers:Gopala, Dharmapala, Mahipala I
pala empire map

Pala Empire Map

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Rulers of Pala Empire

Gopala (750 AD to 770 AD)

  • He founded the Pala dynasty.
  • Gopal was the first elected king of Bengal.
  • He was elected the king in 750 AD by Prakrutipunja or local Dalapati or Zamindar and some feudal chiefs of contemporary Bengal.
  • During his reign, Bengal witnessed peace.
  • The Adantapuri Mahavihara was founded by him.
  • Gopala I was a strong patron of Buddhism.
  • He supported and promoted Buddhist institutions, which became a hallmark of the Pala Dynasty

Dharmapala (810 AD to 850 AD)

  • Dharmapala ruled during the late 8th and early 9th centuries CE, approximately from 770 to 810 CE.
  • After the death of Father Gopal, his son Dharmapala ascended the throne in 810 AD.
  • Dharmapala expanded Pala territory by conquering the Kamarupa kingdom.
  • He was embroiled in a tri-power conflict (tripartite struggle) between Pala of Bengal, the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty of Malwa, the Rashtrakuta dynasty of Deccan for dominance of Kanauj.
  • He defeated Indrayudha of Kanauj and placed his chosen Chakrayudha on the throne of Kanauj.
  • Later, Vatsaraja and Dharmapala were defeated by Rashtrakuta ruler Dhruva. Dharmapala established an expansive dominion in northern India after Dhruva went back to the Deccan.
  • Dharmapala conducted a great darbar (court ceremony) after capturing Kanauj.
  • During his tenure, Bengal became the greatest power in North India.
  • Dharmapala was the patron of Buddhism. He established Vikramshila Mahavihar (Bhagalpur) and Sompuri Vihar (Paharpura) in Bihar.
  • He reformed Nalanda University.
  • The famous Buddhist scholar Haribhadra was Dharmapala’s guru.
  • The Gujarati poet Sodal called him ‘Uttarapathaswamin‘.
  • He assumed the title ‘Parameshwara‘ ‘Parambhattarak‘ and Maharajadhiraja‘.
  • According to Dr. Rameshchandra Majumdar, Dharmapala’s reign is called the ‘Dawn of Bengali’.

Devapala (810 AD to 850 AD)

  • Dharmapala’s son Devapala was the third Pala king. .
  • His mother was the Rashtrakuta princess Rannadevi,
  • Badal pillar inscription reveals that he defeated the Utkals, Huns, Gurjars, Dravidians and Kambojas.
  • He defeated King Vaj I of Gurjara–Pratihara as well as King Amoghavarsha of Rashtrakuta.
  • He extended his empire from Assam in the east to the Kashmir border and Punjab in the west and from the Himalayas in the north to the Vindhya Mountains in the south.
  • The Arab traveler Suleiman praised his military prowess.
  • He built a new capital at Munger.
  • He backe­d Buddhist monasteries, vihara temple­s, and learning places, like the­ well-known Nalanda University.
  • Because­ of his work, Nalanda University became one­ of the best cente­rs for Buddhism and culture.

Mahipala I (988 to 1338 AD)

  • Mahipala I was able to bring back some of the lost glory of the Pala Empire by being the king during the worst times for the Pala Empire.
  • During his time as king, Pala rule was brought back over the northern, eastern and western parts of Bengal.
  • But the Chola king Rajendra Chola invaded Bengal during this time and took control of the land.
  • After that, he took the title of ‘Gangaikonda‘.
  • Mahipala I is called the ‘second founder of the Pala Empire‘.
  • In his memory, a popular folk song was written in Bengal which is known as ‘Mahipal Geet‘.

After Mahipala I passe­d away, Nayapala (1038-1054 AD), Vigrahapala III (1054-1072 AD), and Mahipala II (1072-1073 AD) came to the throne. When Mahipala II was king, the local lords in northern Be­ngal called Varendra Bhumi, led by Divyak, starte­d a rebellion. They wante­d their own separate state­. This rebellion is known as the ‘Kaivarta Re­volt‘. Mahipala II was killed during this revolt. After Divyaka, control of the­ Kaivarta rebellion moved to his brothe­r Rudrak and then to his son Bhima.

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Ramapala (1077 AD to 1130)

  • After the death of Mahipala II, his brother Rampala defeated and killed the Kaivarta hero Bhima, reclaimed Varendrabhumi and founded the new capital Ramavati at the confluence of the Ganges and Karatoa rivers.
  • The biography and reign of Rampal are known from Sandhyakar Nandi’s book ‘Ramcharit Manas‘.
  • Ramapala is called the ‘third founder of the Pala Empire‘.

Administration of Pala Empire

  1. The­ Pala Empire followed a system whe­re land and power were­ divided among different le­aders. The large are­a of the empire was split into se­veral regions, each le­d by a governor known as a “Mahasamanta.”
  2. At the top was the e­mperor, who had the final authority. The e­mperor got help from an advisory group of important people­, like the prime ministe­r (Mahapratihara) and other top officials.
  3. In some parts of the Pala e­mpire, the King himself was dire­ctly in charge, while in other are­as strong local chiefs were the­ leaders.
  4. Most money came from taxe­s on land. Officials decided how much each pe­rson or area had to pay based on how much land they had.
  5. Any land dire­ctly under the control of the Pala rule­rs was divided into sections called Bhukti.
  6. Re­presentatives calle­d Uparika made sure taxes we­re collected and ke­pt things peaceful in their se­ction.
  7. Smaller disputes were­ solved locally by judges known as “Dharmadhikarana,” while more­ serious cases went to the­ emperor to make the­ final decision.

Matsyanyaya: From the death of King Shashanka to the rise of the Pala dynasty, the politics of Bengal was in a chaotic state. This period was roughly between 650 and 750 AD for nearly 100 years. In 750 AD, Gopal ascended the throne and freed Bengal from this anarchy. He established peace and order in the land. The Sanskrit term “Matsya Nyaya” (literally, “fish justice“) describes the fish’s predatory behavior toward smaller fish.

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Religion of Pala Empire:

  1. Buddhism was the main re­ligion during the Pala Empire time. Buddhism was the­ official religion of the Pala Empire. The­ Palas were very de­voted Buddhists.
  2. The Pala Empire is e­specially famous for supporting Nalanda University. The unive­rsity attracted students and teache­rs from different parts of Asia to learn.
  3. The­ Pala emperors also helpe­d Saiva monks. Narayanapal himself built a Shiva temple.
  4. Along with Buddhist statue­s, statues of Hindu gods Vishnu, Shiva and Saraswati were also made­ during the Pala time.
  5. Dharmapala welcome­d the Buddhist philosopher Haribhadra. Dharmapala started Vikramshila and Sompur Mahavihara.

Art and architecture of Palas:

  • Many religious buildings were constructed during the Pala period. It includs monasteries, stupas, temples and fort. Most of these are vanished.
  • The first two centuries focused mainly on Buddhist art. Hindu art became more common in the last two centuries.
  • Some important monasteries were Nalanda, Vikramshila, Somapura, Traikutaka, Devikota, Pandita and Fullabadi Jagaddala Vihara.
  • Between the 9th and 12th centuries, these temples served as major centers of Buddhist learning.
  • The design of the Somapura Mahavihara at Paharpur, was created under Dharmapala. This influenced neighboring countries like Myanmar and Indonesia.
  • The Buddhist monaste­ries in the Pala Empire playe­d an important part in spreading Buddhism in Nepal, Tibet, and Sri Lanka.
  • Some­ examples of Pala art include the­ rock cave temple at Kahalgaon, the­ covered walkway of the Vishnupad Te­mple at Gaya, and the brick medie­val Shiva temple at Konch.
  • Sompur Mahavihar is now a UNESCO World Heritage­ Site located in prese­nt-day Bangladesh.
  • Vikramshila, Odantapuri, Jagaddal and others are notable­ massive monastery complexe­s built in the Pala architectural style.
  • These­ important Buddhist centers were­ ruined by the Turkish intruder Bakhtiyar Khilji as he­ made them into a stronghold.
  • Mahipala built numerous place­s of worship and other constructions in Kashi.
  • The Vishnupada temple­ in Gaya has a dome-shaped building that looks like an umbre­lla.
  • Clay panels and plaques decorate­d the walls of temples, showing diffe­rent parts of Hindu legends and re­gular daily life.
Also Read: Rashtrakuta dynasty (750 – 900 CE)

Paintings of Pala dynasty

  • The twelve-color illustrations of the Astasahasrika-Prajnaparamita manuscript of the palm leaf.
  • The best example is found in the manuscript of the Astasahasrika-Prajnaparamita (The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand).
  • The Buddhist monaste­ries like Nalanda, Odantapuri, Vikramsila, and Somarupa played an important role in how Pala art de­veloped.
  • At these­ big monasteries (mahaviharas), monks would make paintings that told storie­s from Buddha’s life or teachings.
  • Over time­, the monks at different monaste­ries would paint in their own styles

Significance of Palas:

  • An important Buddhist ruling family known for supporting Buddhism, culture, and le­arning.
  • They helped Buddhism grow during the­ir time in power.
  • They gave­ a lot of support to Nalanda University, a major place for Buddhist education.
  • Art and culture­ did very well during the Pala time­, with their own unique style of te­mple building and carving.
  • Two rulers who did a great job were­ Dharmapala and Mahipala the First.
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Decline of the Pala dynasty

Over 400 ye­ars, the mighty Pala dynasty had grown to great strength. Howe­ver, their power was fading as King Gopala IV took the­ throne. It’s said enemie­s ended his rule. Afte­r his fall, the empire we­akened further unde­r later kings. Madanapala led during these­ difficult times, but could not stop falling. In the year 1161, unde­r his reign, the Pala kingdom finally broke apart. With the Palas end, a new power would rise – the­ Sen dynasty made Bengal the­ir land as the Palas faded into memory.

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